Achieve a Fit Life That Supports Your Ever-Changing Life

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Maybe you’re shifting careers or launching your own businesses. Perhaps you’re dealing with menopause-related energy lows. Or maybe you’re caring for a family member. All of these could change your schedule and how much free time you have. It’s easy to get caught up in life changes and new responsibilities. But you also have a responsibility to yourself. In fact, ensuring that you get enough exercise and sleep, eat well, and minimize your stress level will help you gain more energy so you can perform even better at work and be even more supportive of others.

Consider: Just 30 minutes of exercise can lower your blood pressure for the rest of the day; and repetitive physical exercise such as jogging and cycling can help you relax and destress. Eating well increases alertness and energy. And, sleeping well is essential to numerous aspects of your health—from managing your stress, to maintaining your weight, to staying alert and focused during the day.

 So, how can you ensure that you achieve the fit and healthy lifestyle that’s right for you and meshes well with your ever-evolving life? Here are seven steps you can take to set yourself up for success:

Create a vision: Envision your future self by describing details of your ideal fit life; for example: how often do you exercise and where, what foods are you eating, what are your sleeping habits, what is your mindset? You can write your vision in whatever style works best for you; for example, as a story of a day in your future life or as a checklist of your attributes (e.g., I am someone who enjoys being fit, so I exercise three times per week).

Use the four Ps of a vision statement to guide the tone and wording:

  • Personal (use “I” and “me”)

  • Present (write in the present tense as if what you’re describing is already happening)

  • Positive (focus on what you are doing; avoid words such as “aren’t,” “not,” and “can’t)

  • Passionate (put emotion into your story so you can really feel what your future will be like)

Find your “why”: This will help you to understand your true motivation—a powerful force in giving you the staying power to accomplish your short- and long-term goals. Refer to your “why” anytime your motivation for eating well, exercising, meditation, and the like begins to wane.

One common way to undercover your “why,” is to ask yourself, “Why?” five times; for example, “Why do I want to live a fit and healthy life?” Once you have an answer (e.g., “Because I want more energy for my new business”), ask yourself why again (e.g., Why do I want more energy for my new business?”). Each question and answer will lead you deep to your true, underlying motivation.

Set “SMART” goals: These are the high-level, long-term goals you want to achieve. Less is more because, realistically, you’ll only have so much energy, focus, and time to dedicate to them. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. They also should be sustainable. It may be achievable and realistic for you to jog five miles four days a week at a 9-minute-per-mile pace, but is that what you truly want to do over the long term? Perhaps three miles, three times per week at a pace based on how you’re feeling each day is better aligned with your long-term objectives.

Prioritize and plan: Once you have your SMART goals set, prioritize them. Then list the actions you’ll need to take to reach each one. What will you each week; what will you do each day to take steps toward achieving your goals? This step is especially important because it’s where you’ll decide how best to fit your fitness and healthy lifestyle goals into your schedule.

Build a support system: Find an accountability partner or coach to provide encouragement. Write empowering beliefs and affirmations that you can review each day to keep yourself motivated. And decide how you’ll turn actions into habits. For instance, stack a new habit (such as drinking more water) with an existing one (eating meals and snacks).

Track and measure: At the outset of your fit-life journey, determine how you’ll measure success and write it down. Some success measures are best reviewed over the longer term, such as going from walking three miles in 45 minutes to walking that distance in 36 minutes. Others you’ll want to track each week (number of days you’ve exercised) or even each day (glasses of water you’ve drank). As you track your progress, adjust your plans as needed. For example, morning workouts not for you? Try a lunchtime power walk instead.

Keep moving forward: Each quarter, take time for self-contemplation. Review your vision and your “why,” and decide if you’re still set on your original SMART goals. Also, if you achieve any of your goals, is there a new goal you’d like to add? Living a fit and healthy lifestyle is a long-term endeavor, so keep adjusting goals and setting new one over time as your life, priorities, and schedule change.

These seven steps are a great way to get you focused on and working toward your fit-life goals in a way that complements and supports your work life. There’s more you can do along your journey to ensure your success. Fit-Life Coaching can help. Learn more here.

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Ginger Conlon

Ginger Conlon is founder and head coach of Fit Life Over 50. She is a certified personal trainer and a certified goal and transformation coach.


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