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5 Biceps Exercises for Balance, Strength, Tone

As we age, it’s especially important to incorporate functional exercises into our workout routines. The biceps curl is an exercise that works muscles involved in countless movements throughout the day; for example, lifting a cup or fork when you drink or eat, picking up a child or pet, carrying a box or tray. Strengthening your biceps can make these activities easier.

I can attest to this firsthand: I lift my 40-pound senior day twice a day (to carry her up the stairs to bed and back down in the morning). It’s biceps workout that has made me noticeably stronger for carrying, well, anything else.

Another great thing about the biceps curl is that, although it’s an “isolation” exercise focused primarily on the biceps, it also uses other muscles as “stabilizers,” such as your back, core, and shoulders—especially when you perform them standing. The biceps curl also works your forearms. Certain variations, such as the narrow stance biceps curl, can also help build balance.

And, hey, biceps curls can help define and tone your arms. Hello, sleeveless dresses and tops!

Here are five variations of biceps curls that you can weave into your workouts:

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